Kick off the Easter season with Creekside Church's Eggstravganza! Join us on March 23th, 4pm-7pm at Creekside Church for egg hunts, vendors, food trucks, bounce castles, video game truck, and more!
Christmas Eve At Creekside
Our church invites you and your family to attend a special Christmas Eve service on December 24th at 7:00pm. All are welcome to attend. Come, hear, and celebrate how the birth of Jesus gives us peace and rest this Christmas.
Seating is limited, so we kindly ask that you RSVP if you are planning to attend. There will be no childcare for this service, but children are welcome to attend. We look forward to celebrating the Savior's birth with you!
Fish Fry & Potluck
Join us on Sunday, December 8th after our 11am service for a Fish Fry and Potluck. Main courses provided by the church will include fried fish and chicken. Sides and desserts will be provided potluck style. If you’d like to bring something, sign up in Room 5 on Sunday morning!
Discover Class
Join us for free lunch on Sunday November 10th (immediately following the 11am service) and Discover more about Creekside Church! In this Discover Class, we’ll tell the story of how we began, share our mission and beliefs, and cast a vision for why you should be a part of the Creekside Family! We'll also give you a chance to meet our staff and ask any questions you might have. If you’ve been with us for any amount of time and want to know more, this class is for you. Childcare is provided!
A time-honored tradition, Trunk-or-treat is a staple in Churches across the nation made possible by church families! Sign up today to host a trunk, donate candy, or even donate a baked good for our cake walk! For more information, email Jake at
Tapestry Of Prayer Women's Event
Creekside Womens Ministry Team Presents: Tapestry of Prayer with ministry leader Karyn Brinkmeyer
Event Times: Friday, October 4th, 5-9pm, Saturday, October 5th, 9am-5pm (breakfast at 8:30am)
Cost: $25
Join us for fun, food and fellowship while we learn what can happen when women pray. We will be equipped for and learn to hear from God through prayer. A note about our speaker: Turn to Jesus, Trust in Jesus, Live for Jesus, Follow Jesus… This is the heart of each message that Karyn Brinkmeyer delivers as she travels across the United States as a Speaker as well as a Concert Artist. Karyn now travels many miles sharing her love for Jesus through music and teaching at Conferences, in Churches, and for Retreats. God has also opened doors for her to minister to children at camps, retreats and for special service. To make an online payment for this event, please visit and choose the fund: Women's Ministry Event.
Discover Class
Join us for free lunch on Sunday September 8th (immediately following the 11am service) and Discover more about Creekside Church! In this Discover, we’ll tell the story of how we began, show you what we’re up to now, and cast a vision for why you should be a part of the Creekside Family! We'll also give you a chance to meet our staff and ask any questions you might have. If you’ve been with us for any amount of time and want to know more, this class is for you. Childcare is provided!
Community Group Launch & Church Picnic
A Community Group is a “family” of people organized to give every man, woman, and child within our reach consistent encounters with Jesus. At least once a month each group will be serving their "focus group" with the intent of showing the love of Christ and having Gospel-centered conversations. We want to love people towards Jesus and make our city a better place!
A new semester of Community Groups is starting soon and to celebrate, we will be having a church picnic after the second service on Sunday August 25th. Not only will this be a great time to eat and fellowship as a church family, but it will also be a great opportunity to meet our community group leaders and learn about the different groups that will be meeting this fall. If you’d like to bring a side, sign up in room 5 on a Sunday morning and be on the lookout for group signups in the coming weeks!
CSU Move-In Week
We have an incredible opportunity to love and serve our college neighbors just down the road at Charleston Southern University as they prepare for the coming school year. We believe that we have been strategically placed just 10 minutes from CSU's campus for a reason, and want to love and serve these students well this school year starting the first day they step on campus!
New Student Move-In Day
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024
Time: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Returner Student Move-In Day
Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024
Time: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Deeper Summer Equip Classes
Want to dive Deeper this summer? Join us for a summer Equip Class that is guaranteed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and other believers. We will gather for class July 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. Feel free to join us for an optional dinner at 6pm or just join us for class at 7pm. Classes will end at 8pm. Childcare will be provided each week. To join us for dinner, we ask for a donation of $5 per person or $20 for a family of 4 or more.
Community Yard Sale
Join us for a community yard sale on June 29th, 8am-11am! We expect hundreds of items to shop for, including clothes, toys, baby items, household goods, smaller furniture, etc..
If you want to donate items for the yard sale, we will receive your lightly used items any time at 506 St. James Ave. Goose Creek, SC. All proceeds from this event will go towards our mission partnerships in Honduras and Boston!
Skills Showcase Women's Event
At this women’s event, we’ll learn from some of our talented ladies here at Creekside Church! Several women will present skills in 45 minute sessions for us to learn something new. We’ll also have a taco bar!
Gospel Conversations
Do you struggle to share the good news of Jesus with others who might be close to you but far from God? Do you want to know how to make disciples? If so, join us to learn practical tools and become both competent and confident in sharing your story and God's story in everyday conversation.
Gospel Conversations
Do you struggle to share the good news of Jesus with others who might be close to you but far from God? Do you want to know how to make disciples? If so, join us to learn practical tools and become both competent and confident in sharing your story and God's story in everyday conversation.
Eggstravaganza and Craft Fair
What an exciting way to kick off the Spring! Join us on March 24th, 4pm-7pm at Creekside Church for egg hunts, craft vendors, food trucks, bounce castles, games, and more. We have hunt times for children of all ages.
Times for each egg hunt are as follows:
Ages 0-3 (4:15pm)
Ages 4-6 (5:45pm)
Ages 7-10 (6:15pm)
Parents, please feel free to accompany your child during their egg hunt if you feel it is necessary.
Ladies Tea Luncheon & Soapmaking
Join us for a ladies' tea luncheon on February 24th. We will have a speaker while we sip our tea and eat our best tea sandwiches and treats. Afterward, we will make pretty soaps to take home or to share with friends and family. The event will begin at 11am and go until 2pm. Wear your best tea hat!
Marriage Workshop
In this Marriage Workshop, we’ll discuss how to establish rhythms for a healthy relationship and how to work together through difficult times. Come enjoy a Chickfila breakfast at 9am and the workshop will begin at 10am. Childcare will be provided, and please let us know of any specific marriage questions you might have.
Discover Class
Join us for an afternoon of free lunch on right after service and Discover more about Creekside Church If you’ve been with us for any amount of time and want to know more, this class is for you.
Men's Breakfast
Men, come out on January 27th to enjoy a time of food and fellowship along with a meaningful devotion time. Let us know you’ll be there and we’ll have plenty of everything!
Senior Luncheon
We will be having our monthly senior luncheon on Saturday the 20th. Join us for fellowship and food!
Chili Cook-Off
Join us as we ordain our newest elders during service and then judge our best cooks’ chili after service. We’ll have a churchwide fellowship to enjoy the chili and each other’s company. Sign up to compete!
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
We are so thankful for all of our volunteers! Come out on Jan 12 at 7pm for a night to celebrate you! This catered even will be game show themed. We look forward to seeing everyone’s best game show outfits for the night. Childcare is provided. Let us know you’re coming!
Christmas Yard Give Free Shopping
Doors will open for free shopping on Dec. 16th from 8-11am. There will be thousands of free items to claim. Don't miss this opportunity!
Location: 506 St. James Ave. Goose Creek, SC.
Christmas Yard Give Receiving Donations
We will receive donated items at Creekside Church on Friday, Dec. 15th from 5-8pm on the left side entrance of the building.
Items to donate: clothes, toys, baby items, household goods, towels, and linens.
Location: 506 St. James Ave. Goose Creek, SC.
Trunk or Treat
We’re excited to be hosting another trunk or treat! Our students are working hard to make this event amazing. Support them by signing up to host a trunk, bring candy, and more. See you there!
Who He Sees Women's Beach Retreat
Join us as we get away to the beach to grow closer to God and closer to one another. Throughout the weekend, we will explore who God says we are vs. who the world says we are and learn ways to keep our eyes and our hearts focused on the identity only He can give. We are looking forward to a Christ-centered time of fun and fellowship where we can reset our hearts and minds and see ourselves as Who He Sees.
Men's Breakfast
Men, come out on October 7th to enjoy a time a food and fellowship along with a meaningful devotion time. Let us know you’ll be there and we’ll have plenty of everything!
Blood Drive
We will host a Blood Connection Blood Drive here at the church from 5:30pm-7:30pm. For each donor Creekside Church will receive $25 and the donor will receive $25. Sign up to give life.
Discover Class
Join us for an afternoon of free lunch on right after service and Discover more about Creekside Church If you’ve been with us for any amount of time and want to know more, this class is for you. Sign up below so we’ll have a count for food and childcare.
Family Meeting
We generally have 1-2 Family Meetings annually, so you don't want to miss this.
We have many things to share with you, including a few updates that will impact our church for years to come.