Prayer Team
Prayer is vital to the life of Creekside Church! If you are passionate about prayer and want to join the Prayer Team, this group meets every Sunday morning at 8am.
Connections Team
We love Sunday Gatherings! The Hospitality Team is here to remove barriers and distractions for folks to hear the Good News of Jesus. We want to create a warm and friendly environment for guests and regular attendees alike.
Kids Team
It’s not just babysitting or nursery, we’re discipling the next generation in Creekside Kids! Join the Crew and assist with crafts, music, or teaching kids the Good News of Jesus.
Worship Team
Has God gifted you with musical ability or the ability to see with a critical eye? We want you on the Worship Crew to assist with weekly Worship Gatherings. Don’t keep your talents to yourself!
Tech Team
Have you been gifted with a critical eye to make things better? If so, you may be perfectly wired for our Tech Crew. This team helps facilitate sound, Facebook Live, and ProPresenter.